Saturday, December 9, 2017

Lion Park

A meerkat.
White lions.

A Fennec fox.
A squirrel monkey.
A spider monkey.
Siberian tigers, white and orange phases.

A cheetah.
A barn swallow.

Saturday, December 9th.
I was up with the birds (in the dark). I stayed in bed for a bit until it got light and then I decided to go for a walk along the beach. It was cloudy but a nice walk. Then I went back to camp and up to the reception to meet my driver who I had booked to take me to the Lion Park. Henning, David and Linda wanted to go quad biking but there was no room for them, so they came with me, which was great so instead of paying for the drive all by myself we split it four ways.

The drive was an hour. The Lion Park is a little zoo. I had heard from Florien (Madagascar room mate) that it was a place to go to see white lions. We saw three females and a male, as well as a cheetah, a white tiger, an orange tiger, monkeys, ring tailed lemurs, meerkats, rock monitors, Fennec foxes, etc. We stayed there for two hours and then met our driver who took us back to camp.

It was an incredibly windy day so hanging out at the beach was not an option, or you would get sand blasted. So I typed and organized. We got wind that there was a 'market' that we could get a shuttle to. So Ken, Joan and I got a ride to what turned out to be a school fund raiser. It was a white Waldorf school. It was interesting to see the privileged white people whose kids attended this school. Very different from the black areas we have seen. We stayed for a half hour and then walked back.

Jay is sick and decided to have us eat at the campground restaurant. So we all headed up there at 7:30. The meal was a traditional Xhosa (a local tribe) dinner with a pumpkin soup, followed by the main meal of sweet potato (which was white), pumpkin, a half of a little squash, potato and spinach mix and a traditional grain and meat done like Swiss steak. For dessert they had chocolate pudding and ice cream. Really a great filling meal. Then off to bed by 9:30.

1 comment:

  1. Haha the menacing look on that little squirrel monkey's face!
