Saturday, November 12, 2016

Fairfield Boathouse and Yarra River Trail

What's missing?
Fairfield Boathouse.

A few boats that got away from the boathouse at some stage.
In the heart of the city. 

Saturday, November 12th.
I stayed in Melbourne this weekend to do reports, but as usual I found other distractions to give me a break from the tedium. First off, I needed to go to the grocery store and while there decided to buy my salad supplies. When I returned to the car which was parked in a full lot, I looked for my car and when I saw it, I checked the license to make sure it was the right one, only there was no license! I knew it was my car by the dent in the side, so I went around the front to check on that plate and found it was missing too! So I went home and phoned the police and they told me to come to the station and get a theft report which would allow me to drive until I could get to VicRoads for new plates, which I did. I was served by a nice young constable who told me that plates get stolen regularly and are often used for crime, break ins, gas theft or burglaries. With all the surveillance cameras around they don't want their license showing up.

Then I worked on reports for the rest of the morning and then, since it was a nice day and predicted to be better than tomorrow, I decided to go for a bicycle ride. I had heard about the Fairfield Boathouse and the parks and riding trails around there, so I headed out. I rode the roads to get there and after a number of twists and turns I found the park. The boathouse is on a branch of the Yarra River. It is an old restaurant/bar that serves lunch and dinner. They also rent row boats and canoes.

I walked around exploring for a bit, before deciding to ride through the park. I rode across the orange bridge in the photo and found the Main Yarra Trail. I cycled that for an hour or so before heading back. It gave several good views of the CBD and went through the Richmond Children's Farm complete with sheep, cows, horses, and goats. When I got back to the boathouse I stopped for a drink and watched a wedding reception and some of the guests who ventured out in the boats but clearly didn't know how to row.

I got home about 8:00 and spent the evening ostensibly working on reports (but also working on the internet looking for a James ticket or places to go up the east coast on the way home).

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