Sunday, January 24, 2016

Cycling to Find Caulfield

 The artificial turf of the Caulfield Junior College's playground.
 The entrance to Luna Park at St Kilda. The outside wall is the old fashioned wooden roller coaster.
 The main drag of the community of St. Kilda,
 A section of the excellent bike path along the Beach Road.
 One of the kite surfers.
The skyline of Melbourne to the north.

Sunday, January 24th.
This morning I decided to ride the bike to my school. I know that there is construction on the train line for the next ten days from here to the school and that there are shuttle buses which will add time to the trip. So maybe I can ride to school instead. It's 24.6 kms. So away I went, only I got lost and had to ask directions a few times. I finally found it after riding 40 kms!

I decided to take the Beach Road back as it is more scenic. After leaving the school I rode to the bay and stumbled across an amusement park called Luna Park. I locked my bike and wandered around inside looking at the rides. This place is more like the CNE than Wonderland.

After that I had lunch at a little sushi bar on the main drag. From there I pedaled along the bicycle path, stopping here and there for the views or to watch some kite surfers. By the time I arrived home, 29 kms later, I was good and tired, and my sits bones were really sore.

I went home, changed and went down to the beach and had a short swim before hanging out and doing some reading there. Then I bought a few groceries from Woolworth's (Woolies as they call it) had dinner and watched some more tennis. The Australians are in love with a young Russian girl who has just received her Australian citizenship and has been playing really well in the Open. Unfortunately tonight she lost in three sets after winning the first one 6-0.

One funny note from the grocery store: what we can skim milk, the Kiwis call 'trim' milk and the Aussie call 'skinny' milk. It's all good.


  1. What a great day from start to finish.Enjoy your cuppa 'skinny milk" but you would probably reach for a cuppa 'brown liquid' on a hot day. Have fun learning the Aussie lingo.

  2. What do you think about that Milos?....I got only 2 hours sleep, but in the end it was worth it...his volley game has improved 1000 fold, now all he needs is a more accurate backhand, although it is reliable it almost always goes to centre court. Gord. Looks like you have landed in heaven, except for the sore seat.

  3. Are you actually going to do any teaching?!?

  4. I would like to ask the same question.....are you?

    Officer Neil asked about you.
